The Ultimate - Bring In The Reinforcements - Algae Obliterator Clean Up Crew Invert Pack


Size: 90 gallons or more
Sale price$249.99


Does your reef need some help? Let us do the thinking for you! This is THE ULTIMATE clean up crew package which has something for almost everything! Sand movers, nuisance algae obliterators, and general cleaners. If you're tired of your tank looking dirty, then look no further than THE ULTIMATE. We've got you covered. 

Pack recommended for tanks 90 Gallons or more:

Miscellaneous box of all reef safe cleaners, estimated 40x snails, 60x hermit crabs, and a mixture of other essential invertebrates (no less than 120 invertebrates total.)

Pack will include a mixture of:
  • Astrea, Trochus, Mexican Turbo, and/or Margarita Snails
  • Blue and/or Red Leg Hermits
  • Nassarius, Cerith Snails, and/or Tiger Conch Snails
  • Emerald Crabs and/or Pincushion Urchins
Our inverts are for saltwater aquariums only.

All invertebrates have an arrive alive guarantee.

WWC reserves the right to make suitable and equivalent substitutions depending upon our current stock.

Due to variations within species, your item may not look identical to items in the image.

Please note that we cannot consider requests for substitutions on any of our invert packs and we also cannot guarantee the crabs contained within the pack will have both claws. They will have at least one and will grow back the missing one upon their next molt. During warmer summer months Mexican Turbo Snails may not be available and will be substituted appropriately.

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