Chrysiptera annulata
Damselfish are popular fin the marine aquarium hobby and for good reason. They are very active, hardy, stay small and will readily accept prepared diets. The Footballer Damsels stand out against the rest. While they are found in abundance on the tropical and subtropical reefs of the western Indian Ocean, they are not commonly collected and seen in the trade. In coloration, they look similar to the Three Stripe Damsel, though there is a fine line on the snout of the Footballer, where the Three Stripe has a white spot. The Footballer has magnificent pelvic fins that helps make them even more appealing. They are just as hardy as most other demoiselles, requiring no special care outside what aquarists should expect for any other damselfish. The Footballer Damsel seem to be much less aggressive than many other fish in their family.
Damselfish are popular fin the marine aquarium hobby and for good reason. They are very active, hardy, stay small and will readily accept prepared diets. The Footballer Damsels stand out against the rest. While they are found in abundance on the tropical and subtropical reefs of the western Indian Ocean, they are not commonly collected and seen in the trade. In coloration, they look similar to the Three Stripe Damsel, though there is a fine line on the snout of the Footballer, where the Three Stripe has a white spot. The Footballer has magnificent pelvic fins that helps make them even more appealing. They are just as hardy as most other demoiselles, requiring no special care outside what aquarists should expect for any other damselfish. The Footballer Damsel seem to be much less aggressive than many other fish in their family.