Butterflyfish are a rewarding but also potentially challenging addition to your saltwater aquarium, but given the right conditions, they are a treat to watch flutter around with grace and elegance. Many Butterflyfish are considering Not Reef Safe due to their desire to eat coral polyps. Specific care and research should be done on these types of fish before adding them to a reef tank. Our customer service team is available throughout the week if you have questions about a specific Butterflyfish's care requirements.
Butterflyfish should be kept in a large saltwater aquarium with plenty of swimming space and rock for grazing. Initially, butterflyfish can be shy, so having an aquascape with plenty of hiding places will help them acclimate quicker.
Butterflyfish can be added to a group of other butterflyfish. Butterflyfish are considered peaceful to semi-aggressive and are known to nip and pick at timid fish. They won’t do well with fish that are overly aggressive. Finding ideal tank mates for butterflyfish can be challenging, but if you want to keep butterflyfish, you should plan out your fish community and rock aquascape with these delicate fish.
When introducing a butterflyfish to an established reef tank, you can start by adding them to a sectioned-off area of the tank. Placing your new fish in the new tank in a sectioned off-site will help the other tank mates and the butterflyfish to get used to each other. You have them in a with the helpful protection of a wall to prevent injuries and reduce stress on the new fish. Having the butterflyfish in a smaller area will also help you establish a feeding routine. And ensure your butterflyfish is eating correctly before releasing them into a larger aquarium. Butterflyfish will benefit from multiple daily feedings, be sure to provide a varied diet of frozen meaty foods. Adding algae to their diet will give them things to graze on, mimicking their wild eating behavior and improving their immune systems. Shop our selection of butterflyfish for sale. Shop Now!