Solar Torch Button Scolymia

SKU: VP-031325-14

Sale price$349.00


2" WYSIWYG and fully conditioned by WWC! This little button Scoly is awesome! Neon splashes and Orange stripes surround the entire screaming red base! We have always been a fan of the Button Scolys which are perfect for any mixed reef big or small!
Keep it in lower par / flow and as I recommend most of the time with LPS, target feed the Button Scoly once a week, but only when it's feeding tentacles are extended a little bit (this usually occurs while feeding your fish, or before the lights come off or before they turn off for the night.)

Vic’s Picks features the sweetest, and absolute healthiest corals from our 30,000 gallon farm. Vic, one of the founders of WWC, has an eye for corals and he is known throughout the industry for his ability to find and farm gorgeous corals. Vic personally and carefully hand picks all the corals for this collection. 

Aquaculture Seal
State Inspected Aqua-culture Facility

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