2" WYSIWYG and fully conditioned by WWC! This little button Scoly is awesome! Neon splashes and Orange stripes surround the entire screaming red base! We have always been a fan of the Button Scolys which are perfect for any mixed reef big or small!
Keep it in lower par / flow and as I recommend most of the time with LPS, target feed the Button Scoly once a week, but only when it's feeding tentacles are extended a little bit (this usually occurs while feeding your fish, or before the lights come off or before they turn off for the night.)
Keep it in lower par / flow and as I recommend most of the time with LPS, target feed the Button Scoly once a week, but only when it's feeding tentacles are extended a little bit (this usually occurs while feeding your fish, or before the lights come off or before they turn off for the night.)