WWC Tiddly Winks Tenuis Acropora

SKU: VP-041224-01

Sale price$229.00


2" x 2.5" WYSIWYG and fully aquacultured by WWC! This super unique Tenuis is relatively new to the WWC family of Acros as we've only been growing it for around 3 years now! The teal branches with tantalizing coppery-orange polyps make the ever popular Tenuis species of Acropora a must have! Place this Acro medium-low or about 200 par for best growth and coloration. Now, to really speed up the growth rate of Acropora, target feed them by squirting a small amount of excellent quality SPS frozen food once or twice per week via a large syringe. Best results will be found when you place your recirculation pumps on feeding mode so that the polyps can "catch" the small particles of food floating by. If you don't have a feeding mode, set a timer as you do not want to forget to turn your pumps back on as that would be really, really bad.

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