What You Can Do To Help Save Coral Reefs

The wild coral reefs are truly some of the most beautiful sights our planet has to offer—and, because of this, millions of people flock to coasts every year to see them. However, few people realize the amount of damage their actions can inflict on these organisms and how this can affect their long-term survival. Fortunately, by changing a few lifestyle habits, we can make this situation better. This is what you can do to help save the coral reefs and preserve them for future generations.

Dive and Snorkel Responsibly

First and foremost, make sure that, when you dive or snorkel near the coral reefs, you do so in the most responsible way. Contrary to their appearance, corals are very fragile, and they can easily break at even the slightest touch. Because of this, it’s crucial that you refrain from touching the corals as you swim past them and avoid anchoring your boat directly over the reef. It also helps to stop using sunscreen products that contain substances that are toxic to these organisms.

Conserve Household Water

You can also protect the coral reefs in the comfort of your own home. The primary cause of coral bleaching and illness is the runoff water that flows into the oceans after storms. This solution contains everything from garbage to pesticides, and it’s poisonous to the coral reefs. Conserving as much water as you can at home is the best way to reduce the amount of runoff and, therefore, to prevent coral deterioration.

Purchase Aquacultured Corals

Another thing you can do to help save the coral reefs is to purchase your corals from a seller that practices aquaculture. It’s a struggle for tank-building hobbyists to choose between their love of the craft and nature, but you don’t need to when you purchase the right kind of corals. Wild-caught corals are harvested straight out of the coral reefs, but aquacultured corals are grown from a small coral fragment and kept as a colony. This allows businesses to sell corals without harming the environment. So, you can keep enjoying the hobby and preserve the reefs at the same time.

Raise Awareness of the Issue

Most importantly, you can raise overall awareness of the reefs’ current state. Unfortunately, many visitors to the coral reefs are unaware of the damage and deterioration they’re experiencing. For this reason, spreading awareness and education of the matter is key to getting others to help out. All of us must work together to bring these beautiful specimens back to their former beauty.

At World Wide Corals, we’ve dedicated ourselves to not only selling quality corals to aquarium builders but also doing so in a way that’s best for the environment. We understand the damage involved with ripping wild coral out of its natural habitat. This is why our stock of organisms is grown exclusively using the aquaculturing process. So, whether you need chalice or favia corals for your tank, rest assured that your order won’t harm the coral reefs.

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