Pyronoanthias smithvanizi
Princess Anthias is also known as Smith’s Anthias. They are admired for their vibrant colors and tranquil behavior, making it a popular choice for reef aquariums. While generally peaceful, males can exhibit territorial tendencies if housed with other males, so it’s recommended to maintain one male with a group of females in a tank. Princess Anthias is known for their lyretail and stunning shades of red and pink. Males often display slightly brighter hues with distinctive markings, including a light pink to red color on their bodies. Females are typically lighter in color and have a more uniform body coloration. Princess Anthias are deep water fish be sure to offer plenty of aquascaping that creates ledges and overhangs or a low-lit aquarium. Being carnivores, Princess Anthias thrive on a mixed diet that includes high-quality frozen foods, live brine shrimp, and mysis shrimp, supplemented with marine flakes and pellets designed for carnivores. They should be fed multiple times daily due to their high activity level and quick metabolism. These fish grow to about 4 inches and require an aquarium of at least 70 gallons, allowing ample swimming space and plenty of hiding spots. In the wild, they are found in the deeper waters of the Indo-Pacific, particularly around steep outer reef slopes at depths up to 200 feet, where they form schools in areas with strong water movement.
Princess Anthias is also known as Smith’s Anthias. They are admired for their vibrant colors and tranquil behavior, making it a popular choice for reef aquariums. While generally peaceful, males can exhibit territorial tendencies if housed with other males, so it’s recommended to maintain one male with a group of females in a tank. Princess Anthias is known for their lyretail and stunning shades of red and pink. Males often display slightly brighter hues with distinctive markings, including a light pink to red color on their bodies. Females are typically lighter in color and have a more uniform body coloration. Princess Anthias are deep water fish be sure to offer plenty of aquascaping that creates ledges and overhangs or a low-lit aquarium. Being carnivores, Princess Anthias thrive on a mixed diet that includes high-quality frozen foods, live brine shrimp, and mysis shrimp, supplemented with marine flakes and pellets designed for carnivores. They should be fed multiple times daily due to their high activity level and quick metabolism. These fish grow to about 4 inches and require an aquarium of at least 70 gallons, allowing ample swimming space and plenty of hiding spots. In the wild, they are found in the deeper waters of the Indo-Pacific, particularly around steep outer reef slopes at depths up to 200 feet, where they form schools in areas with strong water movement.
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