Pinkbar Goby - Maldives


Size: 2.25 - 3.5"
Lot: 1
Sale price$54.99 Regular price$77.99


Amblyeleotris aurora

Pinkbar Gobies are a captivating addition to any aquarium with its striking coloration and fascinating behavior. This Goby thrives best when paired with a compatible Pistol Shrimp, forming a symbiotic relationship that adds dynamic interaction to the tank. Although they can be kept individually, they are often more engaging when kept with a Pistol Shrimp, which enhances their natural behaviors and display. Ensure the aquarium has a tight-fitting lid, as they may jump if startled. With a carnivorous diet, these gobies benefit from a variety of meaty foods like mysis shrimp, brine shrimp, and finely chopped seafood, fed multiple times daily to support their health and energy levels. They can grow up to 4 inches and need a minimum tank size of 30 gallons. Native to the Western Indian Ocean, Pinkbar Gobies create burrows in coral reefs and lagoons at depths of up to 130 feet.

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