Halichoeres marginatus
The Halichoeres Wrasses are highly desired by hobbyist due to their hardiness and their appetite for pests. When feeding them, give them a varied small meaty diet. Feeding them multiple times a day is recommended as they are very active and keeping them full will help keep them away from desirable inverts. In addition, they are known predators of a myriad of unwanted pests like fireworms and pyramid snails. Provide an aquarium with a deep sand bed to allow this wrasse to burrow into for refuge. The Dusky Margined Wrasse has unique colorations that make them sought-after. Adults will grow to be about 7 inches and will need an aquarium of about 50 gallons. They are found in coral rich aeras of lagoons and seaward reefs of the Indo-Pacific up to 30 meters deep.
The Halichoeres Wrasses are highly desired by hobbyist due to their hardiness and their appetite for pests. When feeding them, give them a varied small meaty diet. Feeding them multiple times a day is recommended as they are very active and keeping them full will help keep them away from desirable inverts. In addition, they are known predators of a myriad of unwanted pests like fireworms and pyramid snails. Provide an aquarium with a deep sand bed to allow this wrasse to burrow into for refuge. The Dusky Margined Wrasse has unique colorations that make them sought-after. Adults will grow to be about 7 inches and will need an aquarium of about 50 gallons. They are found in coral rich aeras of lagoons and seaward reefs of the Indo-Pacific up to 30 meters deep.
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