Angelfish come in a large array of colors, patterns and sizes that make them very appealing to all levels of hobbyists. Unlike Centropyge angels, this genus is known for having large adult sizes.
The Watanabei Angel is one of the few angels that display sexual dimorphism. They are also one of the few angels that prefer to be housed in a pair rather than singly. This angel can be quite shy at first, so will spend most of its time hiding. Acclimating first to a dimly lit aquarium will help. Their natural diet consists of algae, sponges, soft corals and sessile benthic organisms, which is why they are not recommended for reef aquariums. The Watanabei Angel can grow to be about 6” in size. Full grown adults will need at least 100 gallons; however, they can be housed in smaller aquariums when they are juveniles. Females are primarily light blue with black markings their fins. While, males have much more details than females. The Watanabei Angel is found within the Pacific Ocean around reef slopes with drop offs up to 81 meters deep.
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