Paracheilinus bellae
The Paracheilinus Wrasse is hardy, active, reef safe and useful fish. Initially they can be a very shy fish, this wrasse should be one of the last fish added to a tank as they get notoriously territorial to new additions and timid tank mates. This wrasse is a great choice for reef aquariums because they will not bother corals or anemones. In addition, they are known predators of a myriad of unwanted pests like bristle worms and flatworms. Provide an environment with a great deal of live rock so they can hide and scavenge. Provide a varied diet of frozen meaty foods and marine pellets multiple times a day for continued health. They have a small adult size of 3”, which is also why they are so desired by hobbyists. Males are more brilliantly colored and have more impressively sized fins, which will intensify and flash when courting a female. The Bell's Flasher Wrasse inhabits dense algal areas of deep lagoons in the Western Central Pacific up to 31 meters deep.
The Paracheilinus Wrasse is hardy, active, reef safe and useful fish. Initially they can be a very shy fish, this wrasse should be one of the last fish added to a tank as they get notoriously territorial to new additions and timid tank mates. This wrasse is a great choice for reef aquariums because they will not bother corals or anemones. In addition, they are known predators of a myriad of unwanted pests like bristle worms and flatworms. Provide an environment with a great deal of live rock so they can hide and scavenge. Provide a varied diet of frozen meaty foods and marine pellets multiple times a day for continued health. They have a small adult size of 3”, which is also why they are so desired by hobbyists. Males are more brilliantly colored and have more impressively sized fins, which will intensify and flash when courting a female. The Bell's Flasher Wrasse inhabits dense algal areas of deep lagoons in the Western Central Pacific up to 31 meters deep.
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