Mirolabrichthys evansi
Evansi Anthias are also sometimes known as Evan’s, Yellowback or Yellowtail Anthias. They are a strikingly beautiful and peaceful fish that fits well in reef aquariums. While generally calm, males may exhibit territorial behaviors toward one another, so it’s best to keep one male with a group of females to foster a harmonious environment. Their bright pink and yellow color create a unique and vibrant addition to any aquarium. Females have a more subdued coloration, primarily pink or orange with a hint of yellow, which complements the male’s bolder appearance. As carnivores, Evansi Anthias benefit from a varied diet that includes frozen foods such as mysis shrimp, brine shrimp, and finely chopped marine meats. Enriched live brine may be offered if they are not eating vigorously. Due to their high energy and active swimming, multiple feedings throughout the day are recommended. Growing up to 5 inches, these anthias need an aquarium of at least 70 gallons. In their natural Indian Ocean habitat, they are often found schooling in deep waters along reef slopes at depths of up to 100 feet. They thrive in tanks with moderate lighting and ample open swimming space, making them a visually engaging species for dedicated reef enthusiasts.
Evansi Anthias are also sometimes known as Evan’s, Yellowback or Yellowtail Anthias. They are a strikingly beautiful and peaceful fish that fits well in reef aquariums. While generally calm, males may exhibit territorial behaviors toward one another, so it’s best to keep one male with a group of females to foster a harmonious environment. Their bright pink and yellow color create a unique and vibrant addition to any aquarium. Females have a more subdued coloration, primarily pink or orange with a hint of yellow, which complements the male’s bolder appearance. As carnivores, Evansi Anthias benefit from a varied diet that includes frozen foods such as mysis shrimp, brine shrimp, and finely chopped marine meats. Enriched live brine may be offered if they are not eating vigorously. Due to their high energy and active swimming, multiple feedings throughout the day are recommended. Growing up to 5 inches, these anthias need an aquarium of at least 70 gallons. In their natural Indian Ocean habitat, they are often found schooling in deep waters along reef slopes at depths of up to 100 feet. They thrive in tanks with moderate lighting and ample open swimming space, making them a visually engaging species for dedicated reef enthusiasts.
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