Paracheilinus lineopunctatus
Line-Spot Flasher Wrasse are also sometimes known as Dot Dash or Spot-lined Flasher Wrasse and are a favorite among reef aquarists for its eye-catching colors and peaceful nature, making them an excellent addition to reef environments. However, males can become territorial towards one another, so it’s best to house a single male with multiple females for a harmonious aquarium environment. Be sure to provide a tight-fitting lid as they may jump if frightened. Line-Spot Flasher Wrasses display a stunning red color, with yellow and blue accents with males showing off their most intense colors during courtship displays. These displays create a beautiful visual show that captivates aquarists and adds life to the aquarium. As carnivores, Line-Spot Flasher Wrasses thrive on a varied diet that includes small, meaty foods such as frozen mysis and brine shrimp, supplemented with high-quality pellet or flake foods formulated for carnivores. Due to their active nature, providing multiple small feedings throughout the day is recommended to keep their energy levels up and maintain their vivid coloration. Reaching up to 3 inches in length, these wrasses do well in aquariums of at least 55 gallons, giving them ample space to swim and display their natural behaviors. In their natural habitat across the Indo-Pacific, they inhabit steep outer reef slopes, often at depths of up to 130 feet, where they navigate through coral structures and open sandy areas.
Line-Spot Flasher Wrasse are also sometimes known as Dot Dash or Spot-lined Flasher Wrasse and are a favorite among reef aquarists for its eye-catching colors and peaceful nature, making them an excellent addition to reef environments. However, males can become territorial towards one another, so it’s best to house a single male with multiple females for a harmonious aquarium environment. Be sure to provide a tight-fitting lid as they may jump if frightened. Line-Spot Flasher Wrasses display a stunning red color, with yellow and blue accents with males showing off their most intense colors during courtship displays. These displays create a beautiful visual show that captivates aquarists and adds life to the aquarium. As carnivores, Line-Spot Flasher Wrasses thrive on a varied diet that includes small, meaty foods such as frozen mysis and brine shrimp, supplemented with high-quality pellet or flake foods formulated for carnivores. Due to their active nature, providing multiple small feedings throughout the day is recommended to keep their energy levels up and maintain their vivid coloration. Reaching up to 3 inches in length, these wrasses do well in aquariums of at least 55 gallons, giving them ample space to swim and display their natural behaviors. In their natural habitat across the Indo-Pacific, they inhabit steep outer reef slopes, often at depths of up to 130 feet, where they navigate through coral structures and open sandy areas.
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